COVID-19: Fit for Duty Questionnaire
COVID -19 Return to work Policies and Procedures
Medic Air Systems Employees,
As another unprecedented week is upon us, we need to continue to adapt and evolve accordingly. Although we had a downturn in COVID cases a month or so ago, cases are spiking again. It is important to keep in mind the procedures that have kept us all healthy, and working, up to this point. To do our best to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we need to continue to put into practice more stringent social distancing procedures. These below rules have NO EXECPTIONS.
Medic Air Systems COVID-19 Office Policy and Procedures:
• Masks need to be worn by ANY visitor to our office in Port Orange as well as Tennessee. This includes ANY Medic Air employee from construction and service, as well as ANY outside sales reps, Insurance reps etc. The attached mask policy needs to be posted at the office main entrance as well as any other high traffic areas within our office or jobsites.
• If an office employee must have a face to face meeting with someone from outside of our office, both people need to wear masks so that we are courteous to our visitors.
• The service department, and fabrication department, need to stay out in the warehouse areas and not enter into the main office, unless absolutely necessary.
• The kitchen and conference room should be closed.
• Everybody in the main office should communicate by phone, and not socialize in confined areas.
• Family and friends should not be visiting medic air employees at work. (This includes, girlfriends/boyfriends, children etc.)
• Employees that can do their jobs without coming to the office, should do so.
• Proper sanitizing procedures should still be followed at your personal work spaces. (ex. Wiping down workstation upon arriving and leaving each day)
As we continue to do our very best in preventing the spread of COVID-19, we will get through this with as little down time as possible. Thank you in advance for continuing to put the above steps into practice. Please contact Ryan Lobrot Company Safety Director (386-299-0545) with any infractions of the above company policies, as well as ANY suggestions of how we can all work safer and more efficiently. PPE will be provided upon request to help Medic Air employees stay in compliance. As with all challenges, we will adapt, overcome, and become even more successful on the other side.
-The Medic Air Management Team
All visitors in our office need to wear a mask.
This list is updated often, please refer to it regularly.
I think a lot of us know how to properly wear a mask, but what about the proper way to take it off? This video helps illustrate the point fairly well. Just a friendly safety reminder before the weekend. Stay safe out there.
To All Medic Air Systems Employees,
These past few months have been difficult to say the least. With this pandemic has come: Uncertainty, Misinformation, Political turmoil, Economic instability, and Fear, just to name a few. These, and many other issues have all been on our minds. With everything going on, we have all continued to go to work in our different capacities, and we have kept our business going.
With everything going on, we just wanted to say THANK YOU! Thank you for following state and local requirements to help keep us all safe. Most of all, thank you for following our specific company, and jobsite, safety policies. Your efforts are paying off, and will continue to pay off, if you stick to them. We are on the tail end of this thing, with the state of Florida in Phase 2 of only 3 phases of reopening set forth by the federal government. Keep up the good work out there, keep reaching out to us for whatever you need to stay safe and get the job done right. Do not let up, and keep being safe and smart. Keep washing your hands thoroughly, be considerate of distancing, if you have any symptoms, self- quarantine and report to us immediately. We will beat this thing, and our company will be even stronger and more successful than before.
-The Medic Air Management Team